Quality Policy Statement
Fosco Hayes Hurdley Ltd is a digital print company based in Hockley Birmingham.
Fosco specialises in the use of digital print for the production of outdoor advertising, retail Point of Sales (POS) displays, banners and small format print.
The management and all who work at Fosco Hayes Hurdley Ltd are committed to providing the highest possible level of service in satisfying and exceeding the requirements of our customers.
In order to ensure that we achieve excellence in all our activities we have implemented a formal quality management system, which satisfies the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001: 2008.
The company’s objectives which underpins the quality management system are:
- Maintain awareness of our customers‘ needs and requirements.
- Meet and exceed our quality assurance objectives.
- Monitor customer satisfaction with a view to meeting and, where possible exceeding our customers’ expectations.
- Strive for continual improvement of the Business Management System.
The quality policy and management system are reviewed and updated regularly to take account of changing circumstances and customer requirements.
All staff are made aware of this policy and actively participate in its achievement.
Environmental Policy Statement
Fosco Hayes Hurdley Limited recognises that concern for the environment should be an integral and fundamental part of the business.
We are aware that our operations have an impact on the environment in a number of ways and are fully committed at every level to achieving continuous improvements in our environmental performance and the reduction on our impact on the environment.
The company has undertaken to implement, manage and maintain an environmental management system that is compliant to the nationally and internationally recognised Environmental Management Standard BS EN ISO 14001:2015.
Our practices and procedures as part of our management system include:
- Carrying out regular and detailed assessments of our environmental aspects and impacts.
- Ensuring that we are aware and are fully compliant to environmental regulations and legislation applicable to our organisation.
- Ensuring the reduction of all forms of waste through waste minimalisation plans and programmes wherever possible.
- The continued reduction of raw material use wherever possible.
- The continued reduction of use of all forms of natural resources wherever possible.
- The continued reduction of emissions and all forms of pollution on the environment.
To achieve continual improvements in environmental performance, we set ourselves achievable environmental targets and objectives which are subject to regular audit and review and discussed at board level.
To help us achieve our environmental objectives, we train, educate and communicate our policies, procedures, objectives and general environmental issues with all our staff and communicate our performance to all interested parties.
The company encourages full co-operation from all staff, and all environmental improvement suggestions to promote an improved environmental position are viewed positively by the company.
This environmental policy is communicated and understood by all staff at every level throughout the company and is communicated to interested parties via our web-site.
We also select and use suppliers and sub-contractors on the basis of their commitment and continual improvement on their reduction in their impact on the environment.
Health & Safety Policy Statement
At Fosco Hayes Hurdley we recognise our duties under current health and safety legislation and we will endeavour to meet the requirements of this legislation and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Our Managers and Supervisors are informed of their responsibilities to ensure they take all reasonable precautions, to ensure the safety, health and welfare of those that are likely to be affected by the operation of our business.
Fosco Hayes Hurdley recognises its duty to make regular assessment of the hazards and risks created in the course of our business.
We also recognise our duty, so far as is reasonably practicable:
- to meet our legal obligations to maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
- to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks so identified.
- to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
- to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
- to ensure the safe handling and use of substances.
- to provide information, instruction, training where necessary for our workforce, taking account of any who do not have English as a first language.
- to ensure that all workers are competent to do their work, and to give them appropriate training.
- to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health.
- to actively manage and supervise health and safety at work.
- to have access to competent advice.
- to seek continuous improvement in our health and safety performance and management through regular (at least annual) review and revision of this policy.
- to provide the resource required to make this policy and our Health and Safety arrangements effective.
We also recognise:
- our duty to co-operate and work with other employers when we work at premises or sites under their control to ensure the continued health and safety of all those at work.
- our duty to co-operate and work with other employers and their workers, when their workers come onto our premises or sites to do work for us, to ensure the health and safety of everyone at work.
To help achieve our objectives and ensure our employees recognise their duties under health and safety legislation whilst at work, we will also inform them of their duty to take reasonable care for themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities. We achieve this by explaining their duty and setting out our company health and safety rules in an Employee Safety Handbook which is made available to every worker employed by us.
In support of this policy a responsibility chart and more detailed arrangements have been prepared.
Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethical Policy Statement
Our corporate social responsibilities are identifiable in the following areas:
1. Environment: With regard to the business’ impact upon the environment, we are committed, amongst other initiatives, to:
- Efficient printing
- Reducing the amount of waste produced by the business
- Ensuring that water/electricity is used responsibly by our staff
- Recycling materials as extensively as possible
- Using technology to lessen the need for travel
- Using public transport wherever possible when travelling is unavoidable
2. Charitable and Community Work: Our organisation is keen to support and become involved in community initiatives and charitable work. We do this in the form of sponsorship, donations to national and local charities which may be suggested by our staff, and the funding of community projects. Every suggestion is given due consideration.
3. Education: We recognise the importance of education in our community, and supporting individuals during this process is key to advancement. We actively encourage our employees to take up training courses, often funded by ourselves, and we offer a number of work experience placements in partnership with local schools.
4. Our Employees: Involvement: We keep our staff fully informed of our policies and procedures and we encourage them to share their ideas with us on the both internal processes affecting them, and the way our service is provided to customers/clients. We maintain an open and honest approach to all of our communications.
5. Equal Opportunities: We are committed to providing an environment of equal opportunities for all members of our workforce. No account of any of the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010 shall be taken to a detrimental effect in any decision involving recruitment, promotion, provision of facilities etc. See our Equal Opportunities policy for more detail in this regard.
6. Business Partnerships: We will strive to engage with local suppliers and businesses where possible to meet the business’ operational needs, in order to support businesses within our area and decrease our carbon footprint.
In respect of our entire CSR initiative, we expect no lesser standards from our suppliers and business partners.
Core Values Statement
Vision Statement:
Fosco Hayes Hurdley will provide a 5 star service to all it’s customers
Mission Statement:
Fosco Hayes Hurdley to be the providers of services, which deliver long and short term commercial benefits, based upon our clients key business requirements. The strategies evolved should be economical, efficient, durable, flexible and allow the organisations to respond rapidly to both market and customer needs.
Core Values:
- Quality - Meet and exceed our customers quality expectations.
- Environment - A commitment to sustainability, acting and working in an environmentally friendly way.
- Community - A sense of responsibility and contribution to society.
- Accountability - Responsibility of our actions that influence the lives of our customers and fellow workers.
- Efficiency - Being efficient and effective in our approach to give best solution each time.
- Innovation - To come out with new creative ideas that have the potential to help our customers win work.
- Respect - Giving due respect to self and others and maintain the environment of team work and growth.
- Service Excellence - Giving the best and world class service and achieving excellence each passing day.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Statement Of Policy
- We recognise that discrimination is unacceptable and although equality of opportunity has been a long standing feature of our employment practices and procedure, we have made the decision to adopt a formal equal opportunities policy. Breaches of the policy will lead to disciplinary proceedings and, if appropriate, disciplinary action.
- The aim of the policy is to ensure no job applicant, employee or worker is discriminated against either directly or indirectly on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
- We will ensure that the policy is circulated to any agencies responsible for our recruitment and a copy of the policy will be made available for all employees and made known to all applicants for employment.
- The policy will be communicated to all private contractors reminding them of their responsibilities towards the equality of opportunity.
- The policy will be implemented in accordance with the appropriate statutory requirements and full account will be taken of all available guidance and in particular any relevant Codes of Practice.
- We will maintain a neutral working environment in which no employee or worker feels under threat or intimidated.
Recruitment And Selection
- The recruitment and selection process is crucially important to any equal opportunities policy. We will endeavour through appropriate training to ensure that employees making selection and recruitment decisions will not discriminate, whether consciously or unconsciously, in making these decisions.
- Promotion and advancement will be made on merit and all decisions relating to this will be made within the overall framework and principles of this policy.
- Job descriptions, where used, will be revised to ensure that they are in line with our equal opportunities policy. Job requirements will be reflected accurately in any personnel specifications.
- We will adopt a consistent, non-discriminatory approach to the advertising of vacancies.
- We will not confine our recruitment to areas or media sources which provide only, or mainly, applicants of a particular group.
- All applicants who apply for jobs with us will receive fair treatment and will be considered solely on their ability to do the job.
- All employees involved in the recruitment process will periodically review their selection criteria to ensure that they are related to the job requirements and do not unlawfully discriminate.
- Short listing and interviewing will be carried out by more than one person where possible.
- Interview questions will be related to the requirements of the job and will not be of a discriminatory nature.
- We will not disqualify any applicant because he/she is unable to complete an application form unassisted unless personal completion of the form is a valid test of the standard of English required for the safe and effective performance of the job.
- Selection decisions will not be influenced by any perceived prejudices of other staff.
Training And Promotion
- Senior staff will receive training in the application of this policy to ensure that they are aware of its contents and provisions.
- All promotion will be in line with this policy.
- We will maintain and review the employment records of all employees in order to monitor the progress of this policy.
- Monitoring may involve:-
- The collection and classification of information regarding the race in terms of ethnic/national origin and sex of all applicants and current employees;
- The examination by ethnic/national origin and sex of the distribution of employees and the success rate of the applicants; and
- Recording recruitment, training and promotional records of all employees, the decisions reached and the reason for those decisions.
- The results of any monitoring procedure will be reviewed at regular intervals to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of this policy. Consideration will be given, if necessary, to adjusting this policy to afford greater equality of opportunities to all applicants and staff.